TFG establishes FinTech consortiums, identifies international FinTech JV partners and implements FinTech solutions to deliver innovations in different financial sectors on a shared cost basis.

GCC FinTech Challenges

The GCC countries face significant challenges introducing FinTech innovations in their jurisdictions in an effective and cost-efficient manner.

The FinTech Revolution

FinTech is reshaping the financial system globally but the small and fragmented nature of the GCC banking, insurance and investment sectors puts them at a disadvantage in introducing FinTech innovations in their jurisdictions in an effective and cost-efficient manner.

Wide Ranging FinTech Developments

Rapid change to the design, delivery and providers of financial services is taking place across six core functions: payments, insurance, deposits & lending, capital raising, investment management, and market provisioning.

Collaboration is the Way Forward

Collaboration is a key theme internationally in order to introduce FinTech innovations that can work as a utility for a consortium of firms – this is all the more needed in the GCC countries due to their poor scale and their market fragmentation.

Implications for the GCC Jurisdictions

Small size and market fragmentation make it difficult for most GCC firms to justify making a critical mass investment in FinTech innovation. The GCC financial sectors face a risk of being left behind due to uneven introduction of FinTech innovation.

Our Proposition

Collaboration between regulatory authorities and financial institutions to set up consortiums is the way forward and our purpose of existence is to help emerging market jurisdictions establish and manage such consortiums

Collaboration is the Way Forward

Collaboration is a key theme internationally in order to introduce FinTech innovations that can work as a utility for the financial sector as a whole or for a consortium of firms – this is all the more needed in the GCC countries because of their lack of scale and fragmentation

What We Do

We help set up pan-industry FinTech consortiums, develop their FinTech strategy, establish a common language on FinTech through workshops for consortium members, identify FinTech JV partners and deliver on-the-ground FinTech solutions on a build, operate & transfer basis

Publications & Research

We provide access to the latest international research on FinTech innovations and key trends at one location for the convenience of our clients.

EFMA & Capgemini
World FinTech Report

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Global FinTech Report

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The Future of Finance in the Middle East & South Asia.

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Deutsche Bank
Moving to Digital Wallets and the Extinction of Cards.

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